Final Project

For our group project we used a raspberry pi, a computer,putty, and the free hamachi service we are able to connect to the pi and use it as a VPN (virtual private network).

My involvement to the group project was testing and seeing if it was able to access a VPN using putty. Putty is a windows program used to ssh into the pi and access the files through it.

Code used:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install –fix-missing lsb lsb-core

sudo wget (originally we were using armel and not armhf, the pi would not accept that type)

sudo dpkg -1 logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.136-1_armhf.deb

sudo hamachi login

sudo hamachi attach

sudo hamachi set-nick emtpi

sudo hamachi do-join 272-108-464

sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start



Below are pictures taken while working on the project. Note that all the steps are not shown since we set up the project in class and most of it was completed before pictures were taken.

2014-12-14 11.44.12 2014-12-14 11.45.03 2014-12-14 11.45.26 2014-12-14 11.47.07 2014-12-14 11.52.08 2014-12-14 11.58.59 2014-12-14 12.06.20 2014-12-14 12.06.28 2014-12-14 12.08.49 2014-12-14 12.09.25 2014-12-14 12.10.02 2014-12-14 12.10.37 2014-12-14 12.10.57

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