Visually Enhanced Quote

My quote is “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” by C. S. Lewis I chose this image because it seems true to me when we have a dream or target it is never too late to fulfill it. In my first visually enhanced quote I did this in Adobe Photoshop program first I looked for an image that has a nice afternoon with two people that is related with the quote, then I used Futura-Medium typeface to write the quote in brown color.  I chose this image of a nice and bright afternoon with clouds and two happy older people and looking to their left side as if they are thinking of a goal or a dream and they will accomplish them together regardless of the time. 

In my second visually enhanced quote I did this in Adobe Photoshop program first I looked for an image that has a forest at dusk, then I used Arial Rounded MT Bold-regular typeface to write the quote in light blue and white color. I chose this image of a dark forest as a symbol of life.

This image represents the ways of life, the obstacles and difficulties that we have to go through in life to realize our dreams. Also, represents the different days that we spend in our lives as good days, not so good days and bad days. Nothing is easy in this life but not impossible. 

In my third visually enhanced quote I  did this in Adobe Photoshop program first I looked for an image of the Northland mountains with a colorful sky, then I used Chalduster-regular typeface to write the quote in white color. I chose this image because it is a peaceful, calm and beautiful place. It would be a perfect place to have a calm life and to be able to realize all the dreams that we set ourselves but reality is different and we have to have belief, be strong and never give up to be able to fulfill what we want in our lives.

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