During my internship I had the opportunity of designing a magazine layout dedicated to the festival of Holi. It was my second task that I was assigned during the internship and I was eager to give it a try. Since it was only me working on this project the judgment was up to only me and my department’s supervisor. Whatever creative liberties I took were all my decisions and if the supervisor liked the design then that’s what mattered.
The assignment was a 2 paged spread and consisted of no black and white since during the festival of Holi those colors were not represented. The design was colorful but still easily legible. I handed the assignment in and mistakenly forgot to source my pictures and had to send in multiple versions of that layout. Luckily my supervisor was patient and also told me not to forget the organization’s logo when designing the layout. The overall assignment went well with a few tweaks here and there. But from now on I know to source the pictures and add the logo so we know who wrote and claims this article.