My typical day as an intern is usually waiting for my supervisor to assign the task for this week. I spend multiple days and hours working on the assigned task not only in the design phase but also checking things for spelling and grammar mistakes. I am learning that when creating official designs for the real world rather than just college it’s especially important to credit where you used any pictures from to avoid copyright infringement. If I hadn’t known to put the sources down I could possibly get the organization in some legal trouble. I am not performing any clerical duties but instead I am designing things such as logos, magazine layouts, and merchandise mockups.
When working on my second task I accidentally forgot to source where I got the pictures I used in a magazine layout. I went to bed that night feeling like I had forgotten something important and woke up in a panic hoping the supervisor didn’t submit my design. Luckily I had time to fix the design and my supervisor was very understanding. For the future though I’m going to save myself the stress and credit the sources first before anything else.