A Day at the Supermarket

screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-11-59-58-am screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-00-02-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-00-06-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-00-09-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-00-20-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-00-23-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-00-26-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-01-08-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-01-12-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-01-16-pm screen-shot-2016-12-19-at-12-01-30-pm   For this lab, I use functions, lists, variables and a for loop to complete this assignment. This assignment was a little hard because I had to use many things at once and I got many syntax errors. At the end, I was able to complete the assignment and I realize that it’s not that hard.