Case 1

Patient is a 28 year old female, non-smoker, no systemic conditions and ASA I.  Patient came to Citytech clinic with the main concern of stained teeth. Clinical assessment revealed heavy deposits with periodontitis II. After assessments, it was concluded that poor oral hygiene and diet contributed to staining of the teeth.  During the first visit I was able to obtain all assessment on the patient, and introduce her to Power Toothbrush. Scaling on the upper right quadrant was achieved on the same visit using local anesthetic. A week later, patient came for her second visit. This time full mouth air-polish and scaling of UL, LL and UR was performed using local anesthetic. Flosser was instructed and recommended every night as inter-dental aid. Pictures of before and after were used as oral hygiene motivational tool. Patient was placed under 3 months re-care.


Case 2

Patient is a 29 year old male,  non-smoker, no systemic conditions and ASA I. Patient reported last dental cleaning done 2 years ago and refused to go back because was too painful,  he was told "deep cleaning was needed".  Assessments revealed case value: Heavy/Type I.  Pain management was an essential key for treating this patient in order to make patient comfortable Treatment was divided into 3 appointments.  He alsp reported that he was forced to see he dentist as kid, and being in a dental chair causes him a little anxiety.  During the first visit I was able to obtain all assessment on the patient,  scaling on the upper right quadrant was achieved on the same visit using local anesthetic. Patient came for his second visit 2 weeks later,  where I exposed Full mouth series radiographs and scaling of LR was performed using local anesthetic. Flossing and Listerine  antiseptic was instructed and recommended every night.  Patient will be coming for third appointment to complete treatment. Pictures of before and after were used as oral hygiene motivational tool.