Kerning, Tracking, Leading

Typeface: Adobe Devanagari, Used in Italics, In Bold

Font: 14 Point Font

Size: N/A


The Typeface that I used in this assignment was Adobe Devanagari. I think that it looks cool. Perhaps something I would use to write a letter. Since I chose to have this typeface in Bold, it was kind of hard to determine which Bold parts of some letters needed to be thin in a “Bold way” if that makes any sense. Having the lettering in Italics made it a bit easy for me to write. For my second attempt, I kind of gave myself a boost to have more patience. Constructing these letters by myself was a bit tedious. I cannot imagine what others went through back in the day.

3 thoughts on “Kerning, Tracking, Leading

  1. I would agree with moving of “lazy dog” but mainly the l-a of “lazy” are a bit spaced apart too far. The words over-the are also a bit too close together.

    Such a challenge when you have an italic font! They really balanced out nicely; the only time when it appeared a bit off was when the first letters was an uppercase or lowercase “t” although perhaps that is part of the typeface and particular font?

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