Dr. Zhou Zhang’s Profile

Robotics, Virtual Reality, Computer Vision, Embedded System Design, Artificial Intelligence, Mechanical System Design
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology at the New York City College of Technology. I received my Ph.D. degree in Mechanical engineering from the Stevens Insitute of Technology in August 2017. My research interests span from Robotics, Mechatronics, Computer Vision, Embedded System Design, Artificial Intelligence to Mechanical system Design.
My Courses
Computer Programming and Applications
This course is an introduction to applications and theory of numerical methods. Roots and optimization, linear systems, curve fitting, integration and differentiation and differential equations. This course also involves programming using MATLAB.
Embedded Systems Fundamentals and Applications in Robotics
This course introduces the students in the MECH, CET, and EET programs to the applications embedded systems in designing basic robotic systems or smart devices. Hands-on design activities help students to build prototypes for various robotics applications.
Actuators and Sensors Applications in Robotics
This course covers actuators and sensors with applications in robotic systems and/or smart devices. Topics include the selection of sensors and actuators, and signal conditioning techniques in the design of robotic systems and smart devices.
Application of basic principles of design and analysis of selected machine elements such as brakes, clutches, springs, screws, shafts, bearings, cams, gears and gear trains. Students learn how to design simple and complex mechanical components and systems. The student should be able to synthesize a reasonable solution to a given design problem, analyze the proposed solution, judge its suitability and produce engineering drawings. End-of-term project with the computer-aided oral presentation.
Engineering Structures (NYT01_IND_2340)
This course will introduce students to the engineering structures used in building constructions, in civil roadway and bridge constructions, as well as those used in mechanical engineering. First, students will be exposed to different types of structures. Next, students will learn the fundamental concepts of analysis and design. Finally students will study the primary structural elements in buildings, bridges, and mechanical systems. Students are required to produce design project using state of the art CAD/CAE software.
My Projects
WAC encourages courses throughout the college to incorporate formal and informal writing into the course practices and requirements. Avatar retrieved from Bridgeline Digital, Creative Commons License
City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information
Student-Ready College Committee
As a committee we are working on enhancing our new student orientation process. We are assessing and enhancing all steps from the moment a student is accepted into the college to their first year experience.
Living Lab General Education Seminar Spring 2019
This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Intercultural Knowledge and Competence into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.
Connect Days Mechanical Engineering Technology
Orientation for Departments
My Clubs
The Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence (VR & AI) Club at NYCCT seeks to explore the interdisciplinary practices and applications involving Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence, including Mechatronics, Robotics, Computer Vision, Internet of Things, and Embedded systems, as well as the social, psychological and political implications of such.