zhebin’s Profile

Active 4 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

LIB2205ID Learning Places, FA2020

LIB2205ID Learning Places, FA2020

This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with information research and data collection using methodologies developed in multiple disciplines. Students from a variety of departments engage in on-site exploration and in-depth research of a location in New York City. Faculty from the Library and Architectural Technology Departments are teaching the course this semester, and will thus focus course material through a lens of architecture, urban studies, and information studies.

My Projects

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My Clubs

Computer Information Association

Computer Information Association

The Computer is a student organization that provides a creative and safe learning environment where college students majoring in computer related courses and/or interested in computers and technology, work together with other students to explore their own ideas, develop skills, and build confidence in themselves through the use of technology. The computer club plan and organize projects and activities with the purpose of enhance technical skills and knowledge outside the classrooms and develop team work skills and interpersonal communications among the club members. Members will learn to appreciate and enjoy a variety of software applications and technologies including such technologies as web design, programming, networks, video games design, phone application design and multimedia presentations. Meeting dates and time: Thursdays 12:45-2:15 pm Meeting Location: N906 Phone Number: (347) 699-CLUB (2582) Email: computerclubcitytech@gmail.com

City Tech MakerHub

City Tech MakerHub

CityTech MakerHub is an initiative of CET Department. MakerHub offers the college community opportunities for hands-on learning, making and fun activities using a variety of technologies and materials. CityTech MakerHub is both a virtual and a physical space where people can collaborate or work on individual projects. People of all backgrounds and experience levels are welcome. MakerHub projects can be part of a course or an extracurricular activity. Please contact Professor Farrukh Zia in the CET department for more details. (fzia@citytech.cuny.edu)

Mobile Application Developers

Mobile Application Developers

Welcome to Mobile Application Developers (M.A.D.)! The mobile market is HOT! Come join the club and share ideas and create new projects! All levels of expertise are welcome!

zhebin's Friends

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