Yuyu Chen’s Profile

Active 8 years, 6 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)
MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2015

MEDU1010 Foundations of Math Ed, FA2015

K. Andrew Parker
Mathematics|MEDU 1010|Fall 2015

This course examines the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations underlying the development of American educational institutions. The role of the schools, the aims of education, diverse learners, […]

2015 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

Jonas Reitz
Mathematics|MAT 2071|Fall 2015

This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, […]

ENG 2700, Intro to PTW, Spring 2015

Patrick Corbett
English|ENG 2700|Spring 2015

Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing (ENG 2700), surveys a broad range of issues related to the domains of professional and technical writing. Students will be introduced to the central issues, […]