Yushan (Kelly)’s Profile

Active 8 years, 1 months ago
Yushan (Kelly)
Display Name
Yushan (Kelly)
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

HMGT 4702 Hospitality Services Marketing Management

HMGT 4702 Hospitality Services Marketing Management

Hospitality Services Markaeting Management

My Projects

Concierge Marketing Assignment/HMGT1101-E503

Concierge Marketing Assignment/HMGT1101-E503

Participate in a tour and conduct research on a selected sight on the Brooklyn Water Front and collect digital images (still or moving) of that location to be used in promotional videos encouraging tourists to visit the promoted destination.

Perspective in Hospitality Management HMGT 1101 [E503 / 24744] Spring 2014

Perspective in Hospitality Management HMGT 1101 [E503 / 24744] Spring 2014

Electronic Persona Profile: Reflect on who you are as a student, industry professional and future industry leader. Then write a profile. Think about your: • Academic experience and academic goals • Career experience and career goals • Personal strengths • Personal interested that enhance your professional attributes

My Clubs

Yushan (Kelly) hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.