Ana Jimenez’s Profile

Active 9 years, 2 months ago
Ana Jimenez
Display Name
Ana Jimenez
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses



Applied Environmental Design

ARCH2330 Bldg Tech III, Spring 2014

ARCH2330 Bldg Tech III, Spring 2014

This course studies the development of building systems as they occur during the design development phase of architecture. Using case study research methods, students analyze factors, such as building assemblies and systems, codes and government regulations, human ergonomics, and sustainability, which affect building construction and use. Their solutions to these issues are integrated into their final building design solutions. The student creates a series of reports and a set of construction drawings using both analog methods (hand sketching and drawing) and digital tools including traditional CAD software and Building Information Modeling techniques.

ARCH2310 Design III, Fall 2013

ARCH2310 Design III, Fall 2013

This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory as an expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building program and incorporating elements of site, enclosure, structure, material and technology. Design concepts and vocabulary are introduced and strengthened through design projects.

My Projects



The Garden is a project that teaches students and faculty about the excitement and nuance of growing flowers and vegetables for the Culinary and Pastry labs at NYC College of Technology. We encourage involvement and volunteers from all departments at the college.

My Clubs

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