Yuliya Bas’s Profile

Active 11 years, 7 months ago
Yuliya Bas
Display Name
Yuliya Bas
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Design, Psychology, Sexuality and Gender Studies

My Courses

Raster & Vector Graphics

Raster & Vector Graphics

Students will learn concepts and applied theories of digital media and the two fundamental graphic forms: raster and vector digital images and will define and describe similar and contrasting factors in each kind of image. The comparison will also recommend the best practice, specification or standard for using a specific form in a specific application. Basic digital imaging terminology, and techniques including size, resolution, color space and file elements, measurements and file formats. Students are introduced to digital imaging concepts through software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator on the Macintosh operating system. Scanning and digital photography are integrated into lesson plans.

Digital Photography

Digital Photography

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. Students will develop visual literacy as well as framing and compositional skills. Students will become acquainted with a wide range of contemporary photographers and gain an understanding of how photographic style transforms subject matter into meaning. Using professional lighting equipment and cameras, the student will gain hands-on experience capturing digital images in the studio as well as on location. Students will also learn professional methods and software to manage, process and print digital images.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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