Yivan Cortorreal’s Profile

Active 7 years, 7 months ago
Yivan Cortorreal
Display Name
Yivan Cortorreal
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Electrical Engineering, Energy Efficiency


I am a full time time worker, a full time student and a full time father. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. Back in my country I was attending APEC university, studying Electrical Engineering, but I did not finish. However, I completed 138 credits. Moreover, I came to NYC in 2011 and transferred to Bronx Community College in 2012. This is my first semester in City Tech and I am fully working to graduate in Spring 2015.


My Courses



This blog is designed for students in Advanced Career Writing taught by Jennifer Sears. The aim of this blog is to present issues specific to writing techniques specific to online writing, such as tone and style, using research and visual aids, and creating verbally dynamic content. A separate page indicates assignments for students in the class. Questions? Contact: jsears@citytech.cuny.edu

EET 3120 Sensors and Instruments

EET 3120 Sensors and Instruments

An introduction to the world of electrical and optical sensors with applications in bioengineering, environmental remote sensing fields and many more. The topics cover description of sensor performance, temperature sensors, light sensors, force sensors, displacement sensors, motion sensors, environmental sensors, sound sensors, chemical sensors, sensor interfacing, instrumentation techniques and switching mechanisms. The lab component of this course introduced sensors control using NI LabView software and NI ELVIS hardware



Technical Writing

ECON2505 Env Econ, SP2016 Wed. D728

ECON2505 Env Econ, SP2016 Wed. D728

This interdisciplinary course examines current environmental issues from a macroeconomic perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current environmental challenges. While the discipline of Economics serves as a central focus, the course draws extensively from the perspectives of Sociology, Architectural Technology, Environmental Control Technology, Hospitality Management (sustainable tourism), and Sustainable Technology. Traditional goals of economic efficiency will be examined in the context of the need to expand renewable energy sources, green building design and construction, sustainable agriculture and trade, resource allocation and other efforts to combat climate change on a global scale. It focuses on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current environmental challenges drawing upon the inherent interdisciplinary connection to these vital economic issues.

MAT2572ProbW/Stat, FA2015

MAT2572ProbW/Stat, FA2015

Topics for the course include sample spaces and probabilities, discrete distributions (Binomial, Negative Binomial, Geometric, Hypergeometric, Poisson, and Gamma), continuous distributions (Uniform, Normal, Chi-squared), expectation and variance, hypothesis testing, interval estimation and confidence intervals. There will be extensive use of MS Excel and R, a statistical software program. At the end of the course, students should be able make meaningful connections between statistics and other areas of study, including and social sciences.

My Projects

Taking Over Mars

Taking Over Mars

Steps taken to achieve the necessary requirements to complete and extent the potential to habitat Mars

Colonizing Mars

Colonizing Mars

Steps taken to achieve the necessary requirements to complete and extent the potential to habitat Mars

Becoming ā€Greenā€

Becoming ā€Greenā€

The focus of this blog is to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint from the environment, help them to become ā€œgreenā€ and be able to demonstrate with specific examples how important and easy is to save energy. This blog will contain the most updated information about energy efficient technologies. I will also, show with precise details how to energy efficient technologies enables people to reduce the energy consumption in their business or home.

Justice For All

Justice For All

The purpose of this site is to raise awareness for injustice happening inside NYS prisons and encourage you to get involved with the ongoing mistreatment of inmates inside NYS prisons.

My Clubs

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Yivan's Friends

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