amy chen’s Profile

My Courses
COMD 4900–Communication Design Internship Mason
Assignment to fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the internship instructor.: an advertising agency; broadcast design company; graphic design firm; corporate design office; publications art department; photography or illustration studio; web design, TV or multimedia production company. Each student will keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars. Supervision will be by faculty and by the supervisor at the internship site. Internships may be undertaken during the flu, spring or summer semesters.
As you can see from the College’s description of this course, Perspectives in Literature is “A study of human values in the literature of Western Culture. Readings are organized around the great themes of literature and life, family life, man, woman, and nature of evil, the individual and society, skepticism and faith.” This semester, we’ll explore these themes as they appear in various genres of American and British literature. We will encounter controversial social issues and questions that hounded authors for centuries; through novels, short stories, poetry, a play, and a graphic novel, we’ll examine how people have answered (or not) some of literature’s most persistent questions about science, power, art, love, war, peace, and existence. I expect you to participate in class to show that you understand the assigned readings and can analyze them on multiple levels. We will use the elements of fiction (plot, setting, point of view, characterization, theme, and style) to analyze assigned readings. We’ll also discuss various genres and engage in comparative analysis. You’ll be expected to use these skills in formal writing assignments and exams. Please refer to the Outcomes Assessment handout for a full explanation of these goals, since they are key to our class and to each of our assignments
Advanced Career Writing, Wednesday Section
English 3771, Advanced Career Writing, will provide you with the opportunity to improve your ability to write business documents through applied study and critique from the professor and your peers. You will develop the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary to develop common documents under constraints typically found in the workplace. You will research, plan, organize, write, revise, and present documents and oral communications. In this course, document content and format are stressed, along with audience analysis, problem-solving, and an awareness of ethical issues and the global impact of business communications. The types of documents that you will compose include, but are not limited to, business letters, memos, and short reports for various purposes, and a more lengthy collaborative research report.
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