Tariq Hemraj’s Profile

Active 3 years, 1 month ago
1 to 4 (of 4)
ENG2575 Technical Writing (OL64), Spring 2021

ENG2575 Technical Writing (OL64), Spring 2021

Professor Choi
ENG2575|Spring 2021

ENG 2575 is an advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and World Wide Web communication. This course will have students use electronic media such as […]

ECON2505 Env Econ, SP2016TuesD227

Sean MacDonald
Social Science|ECON 2505|Spring 2016

This interdisciplinary course examines current environmental issues from a macroeconomic perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term economic viability of various proposals to address current […]

ENG2575 E270, Technical Writing, FA2019

Jason W. Ellis
ENG2575|Fall 2019

Technical Writing is about managing complexity. It is about providing the right information, in the right way, for the right audience, at the right time. It is about communicating technical ideas using sound […]

MAT2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms I, Spring 2017

Kate Poirier
Mathematics|MAT 2440|Spring 2017

This course introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to computer science, focusing on providing a solid theoretical foundation for further work. Topics include functions, relations, sets, […]