Thalia Pintado’s Profile

Active 6 years, 5 months ago
Thalia Pintado
Display Name
Thalia Pintado
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology

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My Projects

Game Project

Game Project

The Project’s name is GameProject, which my group and I created based off the game Mario. This project is about Mario shooting at a multicolor ball. The ball that will come down facing the Y axis needs to collide with the ball that Mario shots. Every time Mario the main character of this game shots and collides with the ball that’s coming down, the score will increase. However, in cases in which the ball that’s being shot misses and the ball coming down reaches to its down limits, a sound will be played and a text will appear “Loser!”. My Group members were Vivian Vega and Abraham Kochalummoottil. Each person did a set of inputs towards the project. My contributions in this project were creating half of the picture view. I had to download images in order to put them as canvas and also use it as an Image Sprite. Finding the images were easy however knowing what type of buttons needs to be created for the project was hard. Like any game it will consist of main buttons such as Right, Left , Shot etc. Working until the Right Button was half of my contribution of this project. Also working on the block editor in order for the buttons and image sprite to move was created by my persona. Faced difficulties creating blocks that created the score to change once the two balls collide was difficult. Aside from creating collide blocks , I worked on creating block that reflected on my part in the Picture Viewer.

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