Thomas Kae Lui’s Profile

Active 5 years, 4 months ago
Thomas Kae Lui
Display Name
Thomas Kae Lui
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology
Academic interests



TKL_Architecture is an extension of Thomas Kae Lui who is born and raised in New York City where he gained the interest of architecture at a young age and decided to pursue architecture with the support of his parents and friends. Equipped with the knowledge of design, project management, business, and philosophy TKL_Architecture provides his understand of what architecture should and will be.

The goal of this student is to absorb the knowledge of building construction and to think about what architectural design could be and was.

Please email: for further inquiries

My Courses

ARCH3510 Spring 2019 Afternoon

ARCH3510 Spring 2019 Afternoon

Professor Lia Dikigoropoulou + Aditya Karmarkar Spring 2019 Design V M/Th 2:30-5:25pm

ARCH 2431 BTech III

ARCH 2431 BTech III

Building Technology III

ARCH2412 Design IV, SP2018

ARCH2412 Design IV, SP2018

This course emphasizes the architectural process involved in designing small to medium size projects for specific building types. The process includes initial research and analysis, program development, flow diagrams, schematic design, and massing studies, the development of schematic 3D models, plans and sections, through final presentation. Final presentations will include drawings and physical models reviewed by a design jury. There will be two projects and a final portfolio. Research papers, 2D and 3D drawings, and physical study models and final models will be utilized in program development, design and presentations. Digital files for all interim assignments, the final projects and the portfolio will be submitted to the instructor for grading and record purposes.

My Projects

DREAM TEAM // A Case Study in Steel Connections

DREAM TEAM // A Case Study in Steel Connections




A look at Tadao Ando’s life as an architect, his major works and a documentary of his architectural career

My Clubs

NYCCT Architecture Club

NYCCT Architecture Club

For over 30 years the Architecture Club has been one of the most influential clubs on City Tech’s campus. Each semester students and club members’ gain valuable knowledge from speakers who are invited to come and share their architectural experiences with the club. However, class lectures are no substitute for the personal, eye opening experiences that a field trip can bring.



BTECH IV Revit workflow tips

Philosophy Club

Philosophy Club

What is this philosophy-stuff all about? Come watch some philosophy videos and engage in a little philosophy talk! Philosophers and non-philosophers welcome.