Tiffany Eng’s Profile

My Courses
ARTH1103 Intro Art History F2019
An introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered. Additional description for this section: This course is designed to get you thinking about art. What is art? How is art produced? What is the function of art? Art is a record of culture and civilization, often it is the sole way we can understand what was meaningful to people separated from us by time, language and technology. Art also helps us understand our own time and culture. This course connects art to past histories, and introduces students to the visual language of art from ancient to modern times, in order to increase the recognition and understanding of references in advertisements and posters, on clothing, and in film and other media. The course introduces a wide variety of methodologies and topics of current debate in the field of art history, including: style, technique, patronage, iconography (subject matter), social context, race, and gender. The course avatar is a watercolor by Albrecht Durer, The Little Owl, 1506 in the Albertina Museum, Vienna
College Algebra and Trigonometry An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, the distance and midpoint formula, graphing parabolas and circles, systems of linear and quadratic equations, an introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions. Topics from trigonometry including basic trigonometric functions, identities, equations and solutions of triangles.
“I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today’s existence.” — Robert Mapplethorpe This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, stylistic shifts in photography related to aesthetic concerns, and varying interpretations of subject matter based on social and cultural concerns at specific moments in history. We will also consider the relationship between photography and the visual arts in general, which culminates with the primacy of photography as a medium by the late twentieth century.
My Projects
International Retailing BUF 3300 – Relive Old Dreams (China)
The “Relive old Dreams “brand introduces traditional Chinese hanfu and cheongsam on international retail sites. As a native/indigenous product from China. This project focuses on the interrelationships and interdependence between China’s quotations in Asia and the rest of the world and geography. Also on the website are introductions to China’s climate; natural resources; population and demographics; technology; culture; economy; labor and employment practices; production, distribution, and consumption of fibers, fabrics, and apparel; and import and export trade policies and procedures.
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