tony giovannetti’s Profile

Active 2 months ago
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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

13 Driverā€™s Licenses (a two-part documentary)

Ryoya Terao

A two-part documentary ā€œ13 Driverā€™s Licensesā€ (Documentary, 27 min., 2022, USA/Germany) The discovery of 13 confiscated driverā€™s licenses from 1938 leads a small German town to face its regrettable past. W […]

Entertainment Technology Culmination Project

Project site for all Entertainment Technology and Emerging Media Technology majors.

Rayneil’s Node-Red programming to Live stream Session

Rayneil’s Node-Red programming to Live stream Session

Rayneil Hall

I will demonstrate how I use a low code programming tool to deploy functions to a custom made control panel operating my OBS software to live stream to my youtube and twitch profiles.

Christian’s Culmination

Christian’s Culmination


Programming lights in Grand MA 3D

Culmination Project ”Activated”

Culmination Project ”Activated”

A short film based around the social and economical issues that occur in modern America.