Professor Faculty’s Profile

Active 1 days, 23 hours ago
1 to 12 (of 38)

OpenLab Sandbox

Bree Zuckerman
OpenLab 101

Sandbox course for OpenLab workshops

ENG1101 Composition of the City

Professor Faculty
Fall 2016


ENG 2003: Introduction to Poetry

Jody R. Rosen
ENG 2003|Spring 2012

This semester in Introduction to Poetry: Envisioning Poetry, we will read a variety of poetry; we will also incorporate other art forms such as painting and photography where appropriate to explore the connections […]


Jonas Reitz
MAT1375|Spring 2019

This course is designed to prepare students for the study of Calculus. Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, inverse functions, radical functions, rational functions, […]

Jan21 Test Course

Jan21 Test Course

Professor Faculty


Test 2023

Test 2023

Professor Faculty
MAT1275CO|Fall 2022


MAT1275 Wood Spring 2022

Professor Faculty, Jody R. Rosen
MAT1275|Spring 2022

(MAT 1275 description here)

MAT 1272 Olivia Wood Spring 2022

Professor Faculty
MAT 1272|Spring 2022

Sample text

MAT1475 Calculus Cahen, SP2020

Professor Faculty
MAT1475|Spring 2020

Topics include functions, limits, differentiation, and tangent lines, L’Hôpital’s Rule, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Applications. Avatar designed at

Tooth Morphology

Daniel Alter
Restorative Den...|RESD1110|Fall 2011

Hello All, You are currently embarked on an exciting world of Restorative Dentistry. Your knowledge, skills and creative abilities are able to change people’s lives. It all begins with tooth morphology, which i […]

ENT1190 Intro to Video FALL14

ENT1190 Intro to Video FALL14

Carrie Dashow
Entertainment T...|ENT1190|Fall 2014

An introduction to the basic components and practices of preproduction and production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings […]

Course Template Tour

Professor Faculty

This course presents the default OpenLab Course Template. The template determines how courses appear when they’re first created and is designed to support best practices for teaching online using the O […]