Tehreem’s Profile

Active 17 hours ago
1 to 5 (of 5)

ARCH 3512 FALL 2024

Lia, Miguel Angel, Christian Bailey
ARCH 3512|Fall 2024

Adaptive Reuse Design Studio

Building Technology II ARCH2331, F2023

Alexander Aptekar
ARCH 2331|Fall 2023

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ENG 1101 ML D105 Fall 2022

Joshua Belknap
ENG 1101 ML |Fall 2022

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including effective research by accessing the resources and materials of the City Tech Library. Readings are assigned for classroom […]

ARCH2431.BT3 SP24

ARCH2431.BT3 SP24

Prof. Paul King
ARCH.2431|Spring 2024

Building Technology III

MAT1375 D073, Fall 2022

Victor Sirelson
MAT1375|Fall 2022

Precalculus! After trigonometry, before calculus.