tatiana Amador’s Profile

Active 8 years, 8 months ago
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ENG2000-E225 Perspectives in Lit, SP2016 (Fridays)

ENG2000-E225 Perspectives in Lit, SP2016 (Fridays)

Cecily Iddings
English|Spring 2016

Readings in and writings about literature across genres, eras and locales. Themes include family, the individual and society, good and evil, gender, faith and β€œthe human heart in conflict with itself.” Essays and […]

Parks & Recreation Mgt – HMGT 4988 SP15

Damien L. Duchamp
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 4988|Spring 2015

Operation and management of leisure segment of tourism, such as parks, commercial and non-profit recreation facilities and sports organizations. History, current trends and likely direction of leisure are explored. […]