Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene.
Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene.
Dental radiology provides the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work efficiently and safely with x-radiation and radiographic equipment in the dental environment. This course is designed to perfect performance in specific intraoral radiographic techniques and in radiographic interpretation skills
Dental radiology provides the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work efficiently and safely with x-radiation and radiographic equipment in the dental environment. This course is designed to perfect performance in specific intraoral radiographic techniques and in radiographic interpretation skills
Dental radiology provides the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work efficiently and safely with x-radiation and radiographic equipment in the dental environment. This course is designed to perfect performance in specific intraoral radiographic techniques and in radiographic interpretation skills
Dental radiology provides the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work efficiently and safely with x-radiation and radiographic equipment in the dental environment. This course is designed to perfect performance in specific intraoral radiographic techniques and in radiographic interpretation skills
DEN 1217 is a 2-credit course that fulfills the competency requirements for periodontics in an associate degree program. This course will provide a foundation for the prevention and management of periodontal diseases within the scope of the dental hygienist practice act. An emphasis on these topics will include but not be limited to assessment, etiology, pathology, histopathology, and role of inflammation in periodontal disease, as well as periodontal assessment and classifications of periodontal diseases. The goals of this course will be the application of theory to the clinical setting, treatment modalities, and therapeutic and preventive periodontics in the contemporary dental hygiene practice setting.
DEN 1217 is a 2-credit course that fulfills the competency requirements for periodontics in an associate degree program. This course will provide a foundation for the prevention and management of periodontal diseases within the scope of the dental hygienist practice act. An emphasis on these topics will include but not be limited to assessment, etiology, pathology, histopathology, and role of inflammation in periodontal disease, as well as periodontal assessment and classifications of periodontal diseases. The goals of this course will be the application of theory to the clinical setting, treatment modalities, and therapeutic and preventive periodontics in the contemporary dental hygiene practice setting.
Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene.
Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical experience and in integrating the material into the practice of clinical oral hygiene.
Student American Dental Hygiene Association is a student organization for first and second-year Dental Hygiene students, faculty, and alumni.
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Student American Dental Hygiene Association is a student organization for first and second-year Dental Hygiene students, faculty, and alumni.
Please become a member by clicking “Join now” and Welcome to SADHA!
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