steve ortiz’s Profile

Active 3 years, 9 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2019 – SP 2020

Ryoya Terao
ENT 4499|Spring 2020

The senior thesis project, utilizing skills in an innovative way to develop a project that relates to the entertainment industry. Projects are developed through courses in the entertainment technology and/or […]

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Laura Pangallozzi, PhD
Social Science|GEOG1101|Spring 2018

A survey of key elements of physical geography presented in the context of human activity and its relation to the physical world. Topics include world surface features, climate and weather, the seas, and natural resources.

ENT1190 Video Technology, SP18 Berkoy

ENT1190 Video Technology, SP18 Berkoy

Entertainment T...|ENT 1190|Spring 2018

An introduction to the basic components and practices of pre-production and production methodologies for content creation in video production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings and practice, […]