Steven Grande’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
Steven Grande
Display Name
Steven Grande
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology

My Courses

Composition 2, ENG 1121-E104, F2019

Composition 2, ENG 1121-E104, F2019

English 1121 continues the work we began in English 1101. We will work on developing critical reading and writing skills as we write about works of literature. We will discuss three literary genres: non-fiction essays, fiction, and poetry. Assignments will require students to write in different styles such as summary, citation, exposition, comparison, analysis, and research. In addition, we will utilize a new digital platform called OpenLab, which will help us to engage with each other’s writing and world outside of the classroom.

ENGL1101 NYC DREAMS, FA2018, C303/D303

ENGL1101 NYC DREAMS, FA2018, C303/D303

How would you describe New York? How does your own experience of New York City life compare to what is depicted in the media? Is New York really a place of opportunity? What does New York owe its citizens and non-citizens? What evidence can you present to support your claims? In this course, you will analyze textual, visual, musical, and digital representations of New York City culture and human experience. As a class, we will discuss and practice the interpretation of texts and other media, the formation of arguments, the utilization of academic research, and the proper citation and incorporation of evidence.

LNG1100, Spring2019

LNG1100, Spring2019

Language, Culture and Society course examines the relationship between language use and social and cultural structures. It engages issues of language policy, language variation, dialects, and language change, among many other topics.

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