Steve Asfall’s Profile
Storyboard Concepts 3523 Fall 2014
The storyboard is the visual version of the script. It consists of a number of panels that show the visual action of a sequence in a logical narrative. The storyboard is used as a tool for production or to assist […]
Working independently, each student researches, conceptualizes and develops an in-depth project, across media channels, which uses design-thinking to address a contemporary issue.
COMD4900 E298 Spring 2017 Patrissi
Students are required to find internship opportunities of approximately eight hours per week at an Industry segment site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved companies include advertising […]
This is an intensive course in design and development of dynamic websites. The course offers a combination of theoretical and practical information on how to combine the PHP scripting language with the MySQL […]
This is an intensive course in design and development of dynamic websites. The course offers a combination of theoretical and practical information on how to combine the PHP scripting language with the MySQL […]