Satyanand Singh’s Profile

Active 5 days, 17 hours ago
1 to 12 (of 17)
Mathematics Department Faculty

Mathematics Department Faculty

A central resource where the Mathematics Department can communicate internally to faculty and staff, with meetings, committees, deadlines, announcements and more.

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Math Department Curriculum Committee

Kate Poirier

This site is a place for Math Department Curriculum Committee members to make announcements and share resources and ideas.

MAT 1375 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz

Central resource site for MAT 1375 Precalculus, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

MAT 1275 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz, Ariane Masuda

Central resource site for MAT 1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

MAT 1575 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz, Kate Poirier

Central resource site for MAT 1575 Calculus II, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

MAT 2680 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz

Central resource site for MAT 2680 Differential Equations, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

MAT 1475 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz, Lin Zhou

Central resource site for MAT 1475 Calculus I, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

MAT 1372 Course Hub

Jonas Reitz, Marianna Bonanome

Central resource site for MAT 1372 Statistics with Probability, with syllabus, lessons, review sheets, WeBWorK and other resources for students and faculty.

CUNY WeBWorK OER Fellows

Marianna Bonanome

Supported by CUNY Central OER funding, our faculty fellows have been diligently collecting, curating and aligning CUNY-wide WeBWorK content with open source texts for the benefit of all. Our collaboration […]

Math Course Hub Initiative

Jonas Reitz

The Model Course/Course Hub Initiative provides professional development support for faculty creating course hubs and supporting materials on the OpenLab. Site header by Flickr user ndrwfgg.


Christopher Swift

Project site for 2018 CUNY IT Conference Roundtable participants and NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant