SkyeC’s Profile

Active 7 years ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern

Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present

ARCH 2330 – Spring 2017

ARCH 2330 – Spring 2017

Building Technology Studio 3

ARCH 1130 Building Technology I (retired)

ARCH 1130 Building Technology I (retired)

This site is the old coordination site for ARCH 1130 Building Technology I.

ARCH 1230 Building Technology II

ARCH 1230 Building Technology II

This course will study the basic materials of construction as well as the theory and practice of building technology.

ARCH2310 Design III FA2016

ARCH2310 Design III FA2016

This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory as an expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building program and incorporating elements of site, enclosure, structure, material and technology. Design concepts and vocabulary are introduced and strengthened through design projects.

My Projects

Skye Colon B.Tech III Research Page

Skye Colon B.Tech III Research Page

Professor King Building Technology III Research

Building Tech III- R.A, S.C, D.A, D.C

Building Tech III- R.A, S.C, D.A, D.C

Team Website: Building Tech III (ARCH 2330).

My Clubs

SkyeC hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.