sirapv’s Profile

Active 12 years, 1 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

ENGL 1101: Fire, Disease, Disaster: Catastrophe and the Shaping of Public Space

ENGL 1101: Fire, Dis­ease, Dis­as­ter: Cat­a­stro­phe and the Shap­ing of Pub­lic Space

This course is part of a pro­ject at the Brook­lyn His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety called SAFA: Stu­dents and Fac­ulty in the archives. In this course, which is also part of a learn­ing com­mu­nity with two ar­chi­tec­ture courses, stu­dents will ex­plore the ways in which fire, dis­ease, and cat­a­stro­phe have shaped pub­lic space in New York City from the 18th cen­tury to the pre­sent day.

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