Silvia Nava’s Profile

Active 4 years, 8 months ago
Silvia Nava
Display Name
Silvia Nava
Major Program of Study
Communication Design

My name is Silvia Nava, I graduated from Queensborough Community College with an Associate Degree in Computer Information Systems. For the Fall 2016 semester, I transferred to New York City College of Technology to pursue a Bachelor Degree in Communication Design. I am a graphic designer, fluent in Microsoft Suite and Adobe software.
One of the main reasons I changed to the Communication Design major is because I enjoy the way a designer can express a concept through a visual. It is also impressive to see the amount of research behind every detail in the designs. In my opinion, a design can be a first impression that holds a lot of weight. I hope to incorporate a strong message through my work while also expressing a bit of my personality.

My Courses

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic design firm, corporate design office, publications art department, photography or illustration studio, TV or multimedia production company. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Openlab. A portion of the class will be devoted to presenting and sharing experiences with classmates. Students will learn how to assess their talents, update their resume, and promote themselves and their work through social networks. Students will be required to setup and maintain at least two social media networks such as: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. The instructors for this class are there as mentors if you have not yet found an internship before registering for the course. However, the instructors do not find an internship placement for you. It is your responsibility to find a position that fits your personal career path and help you transition to full time employment upon leaving the halls of CityTech. Ideally, you will use this site to find an internship the semester before taking the COMD 4900 class.

COMD_4900_DO32_ [7372]_SUMMER2018

COMD_4900_DO32_ [7372]_SUMMER2018

Internship in Communication Design Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately eighteen plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship director. Sites may be in areas such as advertising, printing, corporate communications or publishing. Students keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars/discussions. Supervision is by faculty and by the job supervisor. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Open Lab.

COMD1103 Foundation Drawing, D120, FA2016

COMD1103 Foundation Drawing, D120, FA2016

This is an introductory course designed to explore the basic tools, techniques and principles of drawing. Students will develop an understanding of the five basic perceptual skills of drawing: The Perception of Edges, The Perception of Spaces, The Perception of Relationships, The Perception of Light and Shadow, and The Perception of the Whole Form. This will be continued with an-depth study of classical drawing principles critical to achieving realism in drawing. Concepts such as Composition, Proportion and Perspective will be covered. Students will learn to further render forms through analysis of light and shadow and by utilizing the 5-value system.

COMD 3503 Spring 2018 Topics in Graphic design

COMD 3503 Spring 2018 Topics in Graphic design

Explores the role of graphic designer in contemporary visual communications with related design assignments and research. Graphic design trends; the impact of computer technology; examination of the work of major 20th century designers; global graphics; the ongoing dialogue between advertising and graphic design. A large emphasis will be placed on awareness of the design world by observing the principles of design in our community: books, publications, web sources, museums and graphic art organizations. Students are expected to gather reference materials for all their projects and are encouraged to use the library resources.

COMD3601-D253 Info Design F2018-Fri

COMD3601-D253 Info Design F2018-Fri

In this course, students will explore and develop several kinds of information graphics (data graphics, visual explanations, way finding systems) as well as exhibition design. We will touch on the history of info graphics and will find ways they are appearing in new technology. This course is thought-provoking, encouraging students to stretch their minds into new territory while drawing upon basic skills of typography, color and composition.

My Projects

Silvia Nava hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

City Tech Women Engineers Club

City Tech Women Engineers Club

The mission of the City Tech Women Engineers Club is to promote awareness and interest in improving the enrollment, retention and graduation rates of women in the technology programs at New York City College of Technology, as well as develop leadership skills through workshops, seminars and student collaboration. lnstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Women in Engineering (WIE) student branch at CityTech invites all interested students to join the Openlab club. Joining IEEE WIE student chapter is optional. We provide support, information and resources to all members to help them succeed in their engineering technology field of interest.

Silvia's Friends

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