SandyClafford’s Profile

Active 1 years, 4 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Fine art, Digital Illustration, Illustration, and Mixed Media Assemblage


Sandy Clafford is a New York-based multidisciplinary visual artist of Afro Costa Rican descent, known by the pseudonym “The Queen’s Artillery”. With a wide range of artistic practices including illustration, photography, and mixed medium assemblage, she creates a conglomerate of cohesive aesthetics.


My Courses

COMD 3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, FA23

COMD 3633, Ad­vanced Strate­gies in

This course is de­signed to pre­pare the stu­dent for entry into theSee More

COMD 4801 Portfolio 49679 OL88-LEC

COMD 4801 Port­fo­lio 49679 OL88-LEC

This course de­vel­ops of each stu­dent’s per­sonal port­fo­lio of desiSee More

My Projects

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My Clubs

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