Safiyyah’s Profile

Active 10 years, 2 months ago
1 to 7 (of 7)
BIO1101 Lab

BIO1101 Lab

Laina Karthikeyan
Biological Scie...|BIO1101L|Fall 2011

The BIO1101 laboratory course is an introduction to laboratory techniques and their application to the understanding of general biological concepts. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including […]

Tues/Thur History of Photography

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Spring 2012

This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, sty […]

SPE 1330: Effective Speaking

Humanities|SPE 1330|Fall 2011

SPE 1330 (Effective Speaking) is designed to achieve two broad aims. First, we seek to advance your knowledge of the public speaking process. We will accomplish this aim through a combination of written assignments […]

Digital Photograhy

Communication D...|gra2330|Fall 2012

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. The student will develop framing and compositional skills as well as an understanding of photography as representation. […]

ADV4900 D298 FA2014

ADV4900 D298 FA2014

Communication D...|ADV4900|Fall 2014

Assignment to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic design firm, […]

Print Production for Designers, Fall 2013 Tuesdays

Print Production for Designers, Fall 2013 Tuesdays

Prof. Matthew C. Lange
Communication D...|3532|Fall 2013

Print Production for Designers focuses on current print production procedures that can ready designers for real world policies, procedures and accountability. Understanding printing processes is an essential part […]

ADV2450 Web Design 1

ADV2450 Web Design 1

Prof Dillon
Communication D...|ADV 2450|Fall 2013

A required course for all Advertising Design and Graphic Arts students. Topics include creative user interface design and best workflow practice. Students will design a website using an (X)HTML template, and will […]