Rumana’s Profile

Active 4 years ago
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Meet the CityTech Roboquín. It’s a mannequin! It’s a mannequin robot! It’s a mannequin robot fashion model! It’s a mannequin robot fashion model that can interact with people! Stay tuned for more information […]

Annual Experential Learning Symposium

Thu May 10, 2018, 12-4 pm Voorhees Theater. Organized by the students, for the students, to showcase student research and projects.

Talk n Roll Bot

”Talk n Roll Bot” is a robotic project currently under active development in the Mechatronics Technology Center (MTC) at CityTech. MTC is an NSF funded project established through collaboration between Mechanical […]

Computer Engineering Peer Advisement

Computer Engineering Peer Advisement


Welcome to the Peer advisement page for the Computer Engineering Department! Our main goal is to increase the retention of females within our department, but our services are available to all […]

The Gowanus Project: LIB/ARCH2205 FA2017

Nora Almeida

Student projects on topics related to changes in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn.