Ronny Mora’s Profile

My Courses
Professor Bouratoglou Spring 2014 Design V M/Th 8:30-11:25am
Visual Studies II builds on the knowledge of architectural representation and visualization obtained in ARCH 1111 and ARCH 1191. This course is taken in tandem with ARCH 1211. (Architectural Design II: Foundations), and focuses particularly on: precise crafting of physical and analogue models and architectural presentations, analogue and digital rendering techniques, and representation of geo-spatial information. The course provides the tools for students in their design work by strengthening their skills visually, verbally, and graphically so they may demonstrate their fluency in and understanding of key design vocabulary, concepts, and visual techniques.
Architectural Design II: Foundations is the second course in the one year foundation sequence which increases the studentās ability to perceive visual cues, create visual design, formulate concepts, and render ideas in two or three dimensions. Students will use a combination of hand and digital skills to aid in the creation and interpretation of three dimensional objects and space, and the delineation of the same using standard projection systems.
An Architectural Learning Community blending traditional hand drawing skills with Computer Aided Design and Parametric Modeling
My Projects
Spring 2012 Student’s Semester Work
The Closing the Loop Project explores how recent technological advances in the AEC industry have increased the potential of faƧade performance. In this project we are implementing an interdisciplinary student initiative, where various courses collaborate on portions of the design process of faƧade panels, and through this process, fully close the design/analysis/fabrication/validation loop. Data sets arising from digital models can now be shared synchronously between various disciplines as well as iteratively throughout the design process. These data exchanges are facilitated by the integration of natural programming languages into traditional modeling environments and a profusion of open source software development. The increased efficiency and corresponding cost- effectiveness of a collaborative, performance-based design process has led to a heightened call for this practice by clients and building industry legislators alike. The pedagogical challenge of a collaborative approach is not only to teach the technical skills of computational design, like scripting and parametrics, but also instill a sensibility of how to begin an adaptive, intelligent digital model that will be efficient for downstream interoperability, moving from parametric modelers to BIM families, to energy analyses, and on to direct fabrication. A new Center for Performative Design & Engineering, at NYCCT, created with National Science Foundation funding, brings together different disciplines involved in BIM (Building Information Modeling), Building Performance, and Fabrication, to teach new research methodologies and concepts through design, assembly, and testing. This project illustrates actionable responses to environmental inputs that feed into the fabrication of innovative developable and deployable surfaces.
Architectural Student Work
My Clubs
The Salsa Club was created to teach students how to dance salsa as well as bachata, merengue, and cumbia. We want students to have fun and let loose after a long and stressful class. Students will have a great learning experience and get a work out in at the same time! We are located in the Klitgord Center Gym Mondays and Wednesday from 11am-12:15pm and Thursdays at 1:45pm-3pm. To find out further information email us at
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association is the representative body for students. We are responsible for recommending student activity fee allocations, shaping policies affecting student life, coordinating extracurricular events and chartering new organizations. Feel free to contact SGA President, Lucas Almonte, with any questions, suggestions or concerns. He can be reached at SGAPresident@CityTech.Cuny.Edu If you wish to start a club on campus contact SGA Vice President, Sylwester Dombroski, at SGAVP@CityTech.Cuny.Edu