Ro Molina’s Profile

Active 11 years, 1 months ago
Ro Molina
Display Name
Ro Molina
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Mechanical Engineering, photography

My Courses

MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2013

MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2013

This is a course on Differential Equations

MECH 3620 Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Fall 2013

MECH 3620 Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Fall 2013

Course Website: Course Profile (this page): Time: M 6:00 – 9:20 PM Room: V/0508 Instructor: Masato R. Nakamura (Office: V532) Description: Advanced Manufacturing Processes available at the present time in the industry

My Projects

Ro Molina hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

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Ro's Friends

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