Refa Noor’s Profile

Active 2 years, 8 months ago
Refa Noor
Display Name
Refa Noor
Major Program of Study

My Courses

ENG 2201 American Literature II Spring 2018

ENG 2201 American Literature II Spring 2018

This course will introduce you to American writing from the late 19th through the 20th century, with emphasis on the literature as an expression of the cultural and intellectual life of the times. In particular, we will examine texts that explore intersections between race, gender, sexuality and class as they shape individual identity, social relations and national identity. In doing so, we will examine how literature responds to, expresses and challenges the idea of “the American Dream.“ In examining this history, we will also think about how the ideas, words and stories from the past might resonate with our experiences and struggles in the world today.

My Projects

International Retailing in Canada (France)

International Retailing in Canada (France)

International Retailing in Canada

International Retailing in Canada

International Retailing in Canada

International Retailing in Canada

International Retailing Canada (Italy)

International Retailing Canada (Italy)

International Retailing in Canada

My Clubs

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Refa's Friends

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