Ronald Hinds’s Profile

Active 2 months, 1 week ago
1 to 6 (of 6)
ENG2730 Professional Editing and Revising, Spring 2024

ENG2730 Professional Editing and Revising, Spring 2024

Professor Sean Scanlan
ENG2730|Spring 2024

Students will learn to identify audiences and choose appropriate language, tone, and style in order to write, edit, and revise a variety of communiqués in various workplace scenarios. Revision documents may be […]

ENG 4700, Fall 2023

ENG 4700, Fall 2023

Shauna Chung
ENG 4700|Fall 2023

ENG 4700, ”Special Topics in PTW,” explores the real-world technical and collaborative skills needed for success in the professional and technical writing workplace. It is an advanced course in theories and […]

ENG3790 D700, SP2023

Jason W. Ellis
ENG3790|Spring 2023

This theory and practice-based course provides a theoretical overview of the concepts and practices of information architecture: organization, labeling, navigation, search, and metadata. Students develop practical […]

ENG1710 Intro to Language and Technology, SP2018

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG1710|Spring 2018

In this rewarding and challenging introductory class, we will endeavor to understand the deep and complex relationship between language and technology through readings and discussion. You will apply your insights […]

ENG1133 Specialized Communication for Technology Students, FA2017

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG1133|Fall 2017

This is Prof. Ellis’ ENG1133 class for Fall 2017.

ENG2570 E282 Writing in the Workplace, SP2017

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG2570|Spring 2017

One’s success in the workplace depends almost as much on what you know as how you communicate with others. Without the skills of writing a variety of documents, speaking confidently to an audience, and p […]