rayray’s Profile

Active 12 years, 1 months ago
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My Courses

Digital Photography 2

Digital Photography 2

In this advanced class, the emphasis will be on creative problem solving with photography for the Communication Design field. The emphasis will be on using style to transform subject matter in order to communicate ideas. In addition, each student will create a coherent body of work on a topic of his or her choice. Students will be exposed to a wide range of contemporary photographers from a range of genres. Advanced digital darkroom, color correction, and color management procedures will be covered in addition to facilitate studentsā€™ professional-level portfolio development.

SPE 1330: Effective Speaking

SPE 1330: Effective Speaking

SPE 1330 (Effective Speaking) is designed to achieve two broad aims. First, we seek to advance your knowledge of the public speaking process. We will accomplish this aim through a combination of written assignments that are designed to prepare you for public speaking situations. Second, the course is designed to strengthen your skills as a speaker. Your skills will be advanced through the active participation in a series of speaking assignments. Your skills and knowledge will grow as the semester unfolds. As a part of this process, you should begin to develop a positive attitude toward public speaking and your skills as a speaker. Following the completion of the course, we encourage you to build on your understanding of the public speaking process so that you can continue to develop as a speaker.

Digital Photograhy

Digital Photograhy

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. The student will develop framing and compositional skills as well as an understanding of photography as representation. Students will become acquainted with a wide range of contemporary photographers and gain an understanding of how photographic style transforms subject matter into meaning. Using professional lighting equipment, cameras and software, the student will gain hands-on experience capturing, processing, and printing digital images in the studio as well as in the field.

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