Rafael De Los Santos’s Profile

My Courses
LIB/ARCH 2205ID-D930 Learning Places Spring 2020
This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with information research and data collection using methodologies developed in multiple disciplines. Students from a variety of departments engage in on-site exploration and in-depth research of a location in New York City. Faculty from the Library and Architectural Technology Departments are teaching the course this semester, and will thus focus course material through a lens of architecture, urban studies, and information studies.
This class examines knowledge and attitudes towards human sexual behavior.
ENG1121-D433 Eng Comp 2, SP2017
This is an advanced course in communication skills, including the expository essay and the research essay. This course further develops students’ reading and writing skills through literary and expository readings. Our course image features El Anatsui’s Bleeding Takari II, 2007. This “fabric” is made of discarded liquor bottle caps and seals. Read details about Anatsui’s work at MoMA: https://www.moma.org/learn/moma_learning/el-anatsui-bleeding-takari-ii-2007.
This course will explore the various critical health and safety issues and problems affecting children and adolescents. Areas to be explored will include nutrition, personal hygiene, medical care, first aid and safety, CPR, mental health, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic and communicable diseases, sexuality and birth control.
Course description: Community organization theory and practice in human services, community assessment, change strategies, empowerment skills, and planning techniques in the profit, non-profit, and public sector are emphasized. Case presentations, skill development assignments, and community projects are required.
My Projects
Learning Places 2020 Spring Team 3
This project site allows this team to coordinate and develop their research project for the ARCH/LIB2205ID Course.
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