Pedro Guerrero’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2)
MAT 1375/D589

MAT 1375/D589

Marianna Bonanome
MAT 1375|Spring 2019

Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; connections to vectors and complex […]

ENG1101-D413 Comp I, FA2018

ENG1101-D413 Comp I, FA2018

Ruth Garcia
English|ENG 1101|Fall 2018

English 1101 is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. The goal is to prepare students not only for success in academic writing but also for effective […]