Patricia Hickey’s Profile

My Courses
This is a model course for ENG 1101.0381
This is a clonable Model Course for ENG 1101 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. “Books Everywhere–Books Background” avatar shared with a public domain license.
Composition Two following model course
This is a clonable Model Course for ENG 1101 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. “Books Everywhere–Books Background” avatar shared with a public domain license.
This is a clonable Model Course for ENG 1121 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. “Red Opened Books Illustration” avatar by leonildo pires.
My Projects
City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information
This project is for faculty participating in professional development for the First-Year Writing program at City Tech.
Living Lab General Education Seminar Winter 2023
This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Intercultural Knowledge and Competence into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.
Online space for faculty members of the English Department to collaborate, share resources, have conversations, and archive departmental materials. *Avatar Photo Credit: magnetic fridge poetry, Steve Johnson, July 3, 2007:
My Clubs
Patricia Hickey hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.
Patricia's Friends
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