Paola’s Profile

Active 1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

Free Math Tutoring

Vaughn, Mukadder Cinar, Victor Lee

Free math tutoring for City Tech students, thanks to the Perkins Grant Funds. This tutoring service is designed to support students in their mathematical studies and is accessible online through Zoom. Our […]

ENG1101D042, sp2024

ENG1101D042, sp2024

Steven Bear
1101|Spring 2024

ENG 1101-D042, sp2024

COMD1112 Digital Media Foundations Spring 2024

John Lefteratos
COMD|Spring 2024

Introduces students to core technical concepts underlying all digital media. Students work with a variety of software, incorporating the scientific principles discussed during lecture, and explore pertinent […]