PamC’s Profile

Graphic Design, Advertising, Illustration, 3D editing, Video Editing
My name is Pamela Consuegra. I am turning 22 years old on my first day back in school. I was born in Brooklyn and raised by my two Dominican parents who migrated to New York years ago. I am definitely not an only child, in fact i am the youngest of four, which means living up to three expectations. Earning my degree used to be my dream because I wanted my parents to be proud of me. However, now I want to earn my Bachelors degree to further my artistic abilities while also pushing myself into my new career field.
Creating is something I have always found myself doing. For along time, I considered my art just a hobby. Then, I looked into different options and career paths that would allow me to continue doing what I love and also incorporate it into my future career! I am optimistic of the future that I am creating for myself.
My Courses
COMD1162-OL45, Raster & Vector, FALL 2020
In this course, students will learn concepts and applied theories of digital media and the two fundamental graphic forms: raster and vector digital images and will define and describe similar and contrasting factors in each kind of image. The comparison will also recommend the best practice, specification or standard for using a specific form in a specific application. The course will include basic digital imaging terminology, and techniques including size, resolution, color space and file elements, measurements and file formats. Students are introduced to digital imaging concepts through software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator on the Macintosh operating system. Scanning and digital photography are integrated into lesson plans. 4 cl hrs, 3 cr
COMD1112, OL 07, Digital Media Foundations, Bauer, Fall 2020
This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. Lectures will provide students with a historical perspective of the media field as well as discussing current practices and future trends.
COMD1127 Type and Media FA20 OL39
Foundation course in typography with emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students are introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment.
Graphic Design Principles 1 (OL08)
This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through final execution. Students develop basic skills in twodimensional design, color and content creation while employing the design process of research, sketching and experimentation. Communication designers use the concepts explored in this course in disciplines such as advertising, graphic design, web design, illustration, broadcast design, photography, and game design.
COMD 1233 Section OL70 Figure Drawing, Fall 2020
A drawing course developing visual awareness of the human figure. Students develop an understanding of the basic forms of the human body, how those forms are connected and move, and how to draw those forms proportionally. Students also consider how the human form relates to the world around it, developing a clear understanding of how to create a composition containing proportional figures within a space according to perspective.
My Projects
PamC hasn't created or joined any projects yet.
My Clubs
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