Pablo’s Profile
An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, equations and […]
- OpenOpen
ENG 1121: Composition II, Spring 2019
This is an advanced college course in communication skills that further develops your reading, analyzing, researching, and writing skills through literary and non-fiction readings and assignments. What you do in […]
- OpenOpen
A continuation of MAT 1475. Topics include Taylor polynomials, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin series, tests of convergence, techniques of integration, improper integrals, areas, volumes and arclength.
- OpenOpen
- CloneableCloneable
This is an introductory college-level course in communication skills that further develops your reading, analyzing, researching, and writing skills through readings and assignments. What you do in this class is not […]
- OpenOpen