Fabian Rosado’s Profile

Active 11 years, 1 month ago
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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

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In about 1440, Johannes Gutenberg credited the modern movable type printing from individually cast, reusable letters set together in a form. He also invented a wooden printing press where the type surface was […]

Selected logo

Selected logo

Disturbed Believe logo- The Symbol in a whole is ment to signify unity throughout all religions, peace or sanctity, to show people that differences can come together and be one. The symbol is made up of the four […]



Forsaken Sorrow Logo. This is a logo I made long ago for my band. It is redone and modified to my projection. To me this is something special. The reason why it is named ”Forsaken Sorrow” is because it all […]

Visual Quote #3

Visual Quote #3

“I run blindly through the madhouse … And I cannot even pray…” The quote to me means more that you can see. One can be trapt in the world we live in with nothing more then just a pipe dream. The madhouse i […]

Visual Quote #2

Visual Quote #2

”Never give up, Never Surrender!” This quote to me I always use because I have never given up on my dreams. I ways always told by my real father that Id be nothing in life and would be a waste of space. I proved […]

Visual Quote #1

Visual Quote #1

”Some ghosts are so quiet you would hardly know they were there” To me I believe this quote means, that things that make you happy are so secret and hidden that you need to find them yourself because you do not […]