Nigel Sukhnandan’s Profile

Active 1 years, 7 months ago
Nigel Sukhnandan
Display Name
Nigel Sukhnandan
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology
He, him
Academic interests



Interested in engineering and technology and currently looking for a summer internship in those fields.
Currently in my second semester of college and looking for clubs to help me further my education in Engineering and possibly get a job.

My Courses

2023 Spring MAT 2680 Differential Equations Reitz

2023 Spring MAT 2680 Differential Equations Reitz

A differential equation is an equation that relates a function to one or more of its derivatives. – The above rather boring description does little to convey just how fundamental, widespread, and amazingly effective differential equations are in describing the world around us. – Examples: Anything in motion. Also, many things that are not in motion. Also, many additional things to which the word “motion” does not really apply. – Further examples: spaceships in orbit, populations growing and shrinking, a cup of coffee slowly cooling, springs bouncing, financial markets rising and falling, electrical current flowing through a circuit, ocean waves, sound waves, light waves, vibrations in musical instruments and airplane wings and suspension bridges, – More examples: Pretty much everything. Topics include methods of solving ordinary differential equations and applications to various problems. Avatar and site header created using nightcafe studio

MECH 2430-Thermodynamics

MECH 2430-Thermodynamics

This course handles the basic concepts of thermal energy conversion and transfer. Dual use of S.I. and English engineering units are employed in order to understand gas laws, fluid processes, first and second laws of thermodynamics, theoretical cycles, internal combustion engines, gas turbines and jet engines, refrigeration cycles and the heat pump. The course covers practical aspects of Heat transfer through radiation, conduction and convection.

ENG1121 HD18, Sp2022

ENG1121 HD18, Sp2022

ENG 1121 is an advanced course in expository essay writing that includes a required library paper. This course further develops research and documentation skills (MLA style). Demanding literary and expository readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Image: “beautiful pattern” by Ximena, found on Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

My Projects

AI and Automation Lab & Club – Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI) for AI, Robotics, and Aut

AI and Automation Lab & Club – Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI) for AI, Robotics, and Aut

A $540,000 Grant from the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish an Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI), a research and education hub that will further enhance the college’s very successful robotics program, initiated with an NSF ATE grant in 2010. This will enable us to create new hands-on research activities and enhance experience-based learning approaches in our curriculum in order to address the DoD’s needs for graduates in STEM fields with multidisciplinary engineering knowledge armed with AI, robotics, and automation programming skills.

My Clubs

Nigel Sukhnandan hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Nigel's Friends

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