Nexmaury Gil’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
Nexmaury Gil
Display Name
Nexmaury Gil
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

Goodlad HMGT 2402 Fall 2017

Goodlad HMGT 2402 Fall 2017

Prof. Goodlad Leads students through an introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures including jargon particular to the beverage trade is reinforced.

Urban Tourism Fall 2018

Urban Tourism Fall 2018

This course will examine urban tourism as a vehicle of urban renewal and economic regeneration. The roles of government, business, and the community will be explored as well as issues of development, management, the environment and social equity. New York City and Brooklyn will be evaluated as models for the development, challenges and opportunities of urban tourism.

Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

This course examines the concepts of planning for tourism facilities at the attraction and destination levels. Emphasis is placed on those concepts and techniques that result in the development of sustainable tourism in both developed and less developed regions. Concepts and techniques to be discussed through the examination of case studies include the tourism area cycle, tourism as economic regeneration, integration of tourism and transportation planning, participation readiness, community-driven planning, tourism resource inventories and urban re-imaging strategies.

HMGT4988 Parks&Rec S19

HMGT4988 Parks&Rec S19

Operation and management of leisure segment of tourism such as parks, commercial and non-profit recreation facilities, and sports organizations. History, current trends and likely direction of leisure are explored. Management of resources, visitors, and services along with planning and marketing of spectator and participatory sports events and products are highlighted.

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