Timothy Lundy/ Adrien the Hipster’s Profile

Active 10 months ago
1 to 6 (of 6)
CST1102ID Prog Narr, SU2019

CST1102ID Prog Narr, SU2019

Jacquelyn Blain, TCunningham

Write an interactive video game and program a trailer for it.

MTEC 1005 – Physical Computing Skills – FA2018

Entertainment T...|MTEC1005|Fall 2018

The goal of this course is to let students experiment and create electronic circuits and 3D prints. The class is divided into two main topics: 80% Electronics 20% 3D Printing. Each topic while have several […]

COMD2450 WebDesign1, SP2018

Jerron Smith
Communication D...|COMD2450|Spring 2018

A required course for all students in the Communication Design major, . Topics include creative user interface design and best workflow practice. Students will design a website using an XHTML template, and will […]

MTEC3230, Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds, SP2018

MTEC3230, Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds, SP2018

Dr. Heidi Boisvert
Entertainment T...|MTEC3230|Spring 2018

This course will explore the new frontier of virtual, augmented and mixed reality across different market sectors. Students will experiment with designing and developing game-based and interactive projects […]

MTEC 1101 Emerging Media Foundation, SP18

MTEC 1101 Emerging Media Foundation, SP18

Entertainment T...|MTEC 1101|Spring 2018

This course is an introduction to emerging, interactive multi-media technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative learning. Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of […]



Entertainment T...|MTEC1001|Fall 2017
