muqeet’s Profile

Active 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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ENG1121 | Section D095 | Spring 2024

Joe Brogdon
1121|Spring 2024

This is a clonable Model Course for ENG 1121 using the Core Books at CUNY and First Year Writing curricula. ”Red Opened Books Illustration” avatar by leonildo pires.

Eng1101 ML D007

Eng1101 ML D007

Gertzog 'sEnglish
Eng 1101ML|Fall 2023

This is a course in effective essay writing, academic reading and basic research techniques including use of the library. Readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. […]


Dr. Lubie G. Alatriste
WkShopENG1101ML/EL021WSU2021|Summer 2021

This workshop is designed for students who were registered for SP 2021 in the following courses: ENG 1101 ML, and EL021W, but have not yet earned CUNY proficiency indicators for reading and writing. Additionally, […]